Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm So Excited!

I'm so excited that I have to put up another quick post for the day. I googled "Charlotte Running Meet Ups" and found a quite a few. The biggest one does a meet up every Thursday at a local pub... and it's FREE to join!!! I already signed up and RSVP'd for tomorrow nights run, a 4.5 mile loop around uptown. They have runs almost every day of the week so although I'll still be doing the majority of my runs solo, there is a lot of opportunity to team up with the group.

Yeah! Friends!


  1. I'm glad you've found people to run with, but the guy in the picture doesn't look nearly as excited as you sound!

  2. Super YAY for friends!! I need some running buds.

  3. Lol, Adam. He may not be excited, but he is good enough and smart enough.
