Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello Bloggers!

Although I'm new to the world of blogging, this is not my very first post. I attempted a blog about two years ago. My brilliant idea was to talk about cloth diapering, but as it turns out there isn't really much to be said about the subject. "Today I strapped on an elegant pair of green rubber gloves and proceeded to empty the wet bag full of urine and feces into the washing machine...". It's a shame that I lost interest in the idea. People would have been on the edge of their seats and I would have been on Oprah.

Instead, I add yet another running blog to the blogeshere. Not that I have a problem with there being so many running blogs. I love it! I cut may cable off a few months ago to save money so what better to replace Law and Order than some Skinny Bitchy Mother Runners telling me to Shut Up And Run? I already have a dream of building my own teardrop trailer and traveling the country to run races, so why not blog about it? However there are a few a problems that need to be addressed. 1) I do not currently own a trailer of any kind. 2) I have only been running one race per year which is completely unsatisfactory. Two small children with parents both working a roller coaster of retail hours makes time a hot commodity and weekend road trips a luxury.

So that is my goal and those are my problems. How I will address these problems to obtain my goal is something that I'm not really sure about. But rest assured that I'm working on it.

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