Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fat Brad

Who is on a run right now?  Not me, but my husband is.  He has been running more and more and making me look terrible.  He even has an impressive 8 mile rout planned out, and has already completed it 3 or 4 times.  I tried enticing him with beer to just stay in and hang out until we go to our friend's for dinner tonight, but former fat Brad does not succumb to peer pressure.  I have created a monster.  A healthy, good looking monster.  And the only reason I call him a "monster" is because he is now more disciplined, and much faster than I am.  That's bull shit.  Bull shit I say!!!  Where is fat Brad?!

In unrelated news... Fat Brad found me an in network birthing center, and we toured it today, and it was amazing, and I'm so excited!!!  It's Inanna birthing center in Denton, TX.  You know how I connected with the lady at Allen Birthing Center because she was a runner?  Well when talking with the lady at Inanna we got way off topic and found out that she had hosted some exchange students via the organization that my father in law worked for.  We had a fun time talking with her about the exchange student experience.  That world was a really big part of my husbands life (30+ exchange students from the time he was 5, til he was around 19 or 20.  Many of which are still in close contact and considered extended family) and it was great to have that connection.

I finally found a place to have this kiddo and I feel like a big weight has lifted off my shoulders.  Now I need to put more focus into getting back on my healthy track.  I've been way off since moving.

-Hugh Jass


  1. I am happy you found a place you like!

    And that's great about your husband! I might get a little envious if my husband started running faster and more...but hey your pregnant...when you aren't he better watch out!
